Food & Nutrition

Savory & Meat alternatives

In the savory and meat alternatives market, shoppers are looking for delicious, easy-to-consume and good quality products that also deliver balanced nutrition. 

IMCD Food & Nutrition can help your business create packaged foods that people will return to again and again. Our team supports you in deciding on the right combination of ingredients, to achieve the desired culinary taste and texture. We also provide an extensive clean label portfolio for your convenience foods, ready-to-eat or pre-cooked meals, soups and sauces.

Whether it's plant-based, organic or protein-enriched, the major themes dominating the food industry all impact product development for savory products and meat alternatives. We work with you to create on-trend solutions that turn up the heat on the competition. 

Our sub-segments include: Fish & Meat Alternatives, Meat & Poultry, Noodle & Pasta, Ready Meals, Sauces & Dressings, Soups & Bouillons, Spice Blends.

Bring us your challenges and together we can find the winning solution.

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